Package Extensions

The @frompackage macro supports package extensions defined within the packages loaded by the macro within the import_block

We specify two possible types of extensions within the context of @frompackage:

  • Direct Extensions: These are extensions that are defined directly within the local target package loaded by the macro
  • Indirect Extensions: These are extensions that are not defined by the target package directly, but by one of its dependencies.

Direct Extensions

An example of a scenario with Direct Extensions is the one of the TestDirectExtension package found in the test/TestDirectExtension folder and whose Project.toml is replicated below:

name = "TestDirectExtension"
uuid = "f446dfe5-66ce-4684-9abf-53561df9f9a0"
authors = ["Alberto Mengali <>"]
version = "0.1.0"

Revise = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe"

PlutoPlotly = "8e989ff0-3d88-8e9f-f020-2b208a939ff0"
Example = "7876af07-990d-54b4-ab0e-23690620f79a"

PlutoPlotlyExt = "PlutoPlotly"
Magic = "Example"

We can see that this package defines two extensions PlutoPlotlyExt and Magic that depend on the PlutoPlotly and Example packages respectively.

When the TestDirectExtension module is loaded within a Pluto notebook using the @frompackage or @fromparent macro, the module is not associated to a package UUID so julia does not know that the Magic extension has to be loaded whenever the Example package is loaded into the notebook.

To still support loading the extension code in this situation, the macro will eval the Magic module definition within the TestDirectExtension module if the Example package is defined within the notebook environment. This allows prototyping and testing package extensions during their development exploiting the @frompackage macro.

Check the relevant example notebook located at test/TestDirectExtension/test_extension.jl for more clarity.

Indirect Extensions

Indirect extensions are mostly handled correctly by julia directly, but some issues may arise when a package added to the notebook environment triggers the load of an extension of a package loaded as a direct dependency within the import_block.

If the notebook package triggering the extension is loaded after the direct dependency has already been loaded by the @frompackage macro, an extension compilation error is generated because the direct dependency is not in the LOAD_PATH (See the Use with PlutoPkg section)

The way to solve this issue is to simply reload the local code by using the re-executing the cell containing the macro call. This will trigger a call to Base.retry_load_extensions.