Skipping Package Parts

The macro also allows to specify parts of the source code of the target Package that have to be skipped when loading it within Pluto. This is achieved by adding a statement inside the import_block like the following:

@skiplines lines

The @skiplines macro is not defined within the package, it's just processed during the parsing of the @frompackage macro.

lines is expected to either be a single String, or a group of Strings within a begin ... end block. Each string represent a part of a file that has to be skipped, with the following formats being supported:

  1. filpeath:::firstline-lastline: This specifies that all the lines between firstline and lastline (extrema included) in the file present at filepath must be skipped when loading the Package module
  2. filepath:::line: Like 1. but a single line is skipped
  3. filepath: Like 1. but the full file located at filepath is ignored when loading the module
  4. line: Ignores line number line in the Package entry point (i.e. the file at src/PackageName.jl in the folder of PackageName)
  5. firstline-lastline: Like 4., but ignores a range of lines.

In all of the examples above filepath can be provided as either an absolute path, or as a relative path starting from the src subfolder of the Package folder

The functionality of skipping lines is only used when @frompackage is called inside Pluto. When calling the macro from outside of Pluto, the eventual statement with @skiplines is discarded.


For an example consider the source file of the TestPackage module defined at test/TestPackage/src/TestPackage.jl, whose contents are shown below:


The notebook called out_notebook.jl located in the main folder of TestPackage gives an example of how to use the new functionality.

The following call to @fromparent is used to import the TestPackage in the notebook's workspace while removing some of the code that is present in the original source of TestPackage:

@fromparent begin
	import TestPackage
	@skiplines begin
		"11" # Skip line 11 in the main file TestPackage.jl.
		"test_macro2.jl" # This skips the whole file test_macro2.jl
		"22-23" # This skips from line 21 to 22 in the main file, including extrema.
		"test_macro1.jl:::28-10000" # This skips parts of test_macro1.jl

The output of the notebook is also pasted here for reference:
