Extended ToC

PlutoExtras defines and export an extension of the TableOfContents from PlutoUI. This alternative ToC just wraps the one from PlutoUI and adds functionality to it. It can be called by having a cell that contains the exported function ExtendedTableOfContents


This extended ToC provides the following functionalities:

  • Hiding Heading/Cells both from ToC and from the notebook visualization
  • Collapsing Headings within the ToC
  • Saving the hidden/collapsed status of ToC entries on the notebook file, for persistent state across notebook reload.
  • Moving groups of cells (below a common heading) around conveniently from the ToC

Hiding Heading/Cells

Hiding headings and all connected cells from notebook view can be done via ExtendedTableOfContents

  • All cells before the first heading are automatically hidden from the notebook
  • All hidden cells/headings can be shown by pressing the eye button that appears while hovering on the ToC title.
    • When the hidden cells are being shown, the hidden headings in the ToC are underlined
  • Hidden status of specific headings in the notebook can be toggled by pressing on the eye button that appears to the left each heading when hovering over them

Collapsing Headings in ToC

ToC headings are grouped based on heading level, sub-headings at various levels can be collapsed by using the caret symbol that appears to the left of headings in the ToC upon hover.

Save Hide/Collapsed status on notebook file

Preserving the status of collapsed/hidden heading is supported by writing to the notebook file using notebook and cell metadata, allowing to maintain the status even upon reload of Julia/Pluto

  • When the current collapsed/hidden status of each heading is not reflected in the notebook file, a save icon/button appears on the left of the ToC title upon hover. Clicking the icon saves the current state in the notebook file.

Changing Headings/Cells order

The ExtendedTableOfContents allow to re-order the cell groups identified by each heading within the notebook:

  • Each cell group is identified by the cell containing the heading, plus all the cells below it and up to the next heading (excluded)
  • Holding the mouse on a ToC heading triggers the ability to move headings around
    • The target heading is surrounded by a dashed border
    • While moving the mouse within the ToC, a visual separator appears to indicate the position where the dragged heading will be moved to, depending on the mouse position
    • Hovering on collapsed headings for at least 300ms opens them up to allow moving headings within collapsed parents
  • By default, headings can only be moved below or above headings of equal or lower level (H1 < H2 < H3...)
    • Holding shift during the dragging process allows to put headings before/after any other heading regardless of the level


Open the extended ToC test notebook to check this functionality in action!


The notebook must be run from the original folder (test/notebooks) within the PlutoExtras package folder to properly load the PlutoExtras package

State Manipulation


Cell Reordering



ExtendedTableOfContents(;hide_preamble = true, force_hide_enabled = hide_preamble, kwargs...)

Keyword Arguments

  • hide_preamble -> When true, all the cells from the beginning of the notebook till the first heading are hidden (when the notebook is in hide-enabled state)
  • force_hide_enabled -> Set the notebook hide-enabled status to true when creating the ToC. This status is used to decide whether to show or not hidden cells via CSS.
  • kwargs -> The remaining kwargs are simply passed to TableOfContents from PlutoUI which is used internally to generate the ToC.


Extends the TableOfContents from PlutoUI and adds the following functionality:

Hiding Heading/Cells

Hiding headings and all connected cells from notebook view can be done via ExtendedTableOfContents

  • All cells before the first heading are automatically hidden from the notebook
  • All hidden cells/headings can be shown by pressing the eye button that appears while hovering on the ToC title.
    • When the hidden cells are being shown, the hidden headings in the ToC are underlined
  • Hidden status of specific headings in the notebook can be toggled by pressing on the eye button that appears to the left each heading when hovering over them

Collapsing Headings in ToC

ToC headings are grouped based on heading level, sub-headings at various levels can be collapsed by using the caret symbol that appears to the left of headings in the ToC upon hover.

Save Hide/Collapsed status on notebook file

Preserving the status of collapsed/hidden heading is supported by writing to the notebook file using notebook and cell metadata, allowing to maintain the status even upon reload of Julia/Pluto

  • When the current collapsed/hidden status of each heading is not reflected in the notebook file, a save icon/button appears on the left of the ToC title upon hover. Clicking the icon saves the current state in the notebook file.

Changing Headings/Cells order

The ExtendedTableOfContents allow to re-order the cell groups identified by each heading within the notebook:

  • Each cell group is identified by the cell containing the heading, plus all the cells below it and up to the next heading (excluded)
  • Holding the mouse on a ToC heading triggers the ability to move headings around
    • The target heading is surrounded by a dashed border
    • While moving the mouse within the ToC, a visual separator appears to indicate the position where the dragged heading will be moved to, depending on the mouse position
    • Hovering on collapsed headings for at least 300ms opens them up to allow moving headings within collapsed parents
  • By default, headings can only be moved below or above headings of equal or lower level (H1 < H2 < H3...)
    • Holding shift during the dragging process allows to put headings before/after any other heading regardless of the level

Example usage

State Manipulation


Cell Reordering



Wraps the given input x inside a custom HTML code created with HypertextLiteral.@htl that adds the always-show-output attribute to the calling Pluto cell.

This makes sure that the cell output remains visible in the HTML even when the cell is hidden using the ExtendedTableOfContents cell hiding feature. This is mostly useful to allow having cells that generate output to be rendered within the notebook as hidden cells.

The provided attribute will make sure (via CSS) that cell will look exactly like a hidden cell except for its output element. When the output is floating (like for BondTable or ExtendedTableOfContents), this will make the cell hidden while the rendered output visible.

Example usage

BondTable([bonds...]) |> show_output_when_hidden

The code above will allow putting the cell defining the BondTable within a hidden part of the notebook while still rendering the floating BondTable. Without this function, the BondTable generating cell would need to be located inside a non-hidden part of the notebook.


When calling this function with an input object that is not of type HTML or HypertextLiteral.Result, the function will wrap the object first using @htl and PlutoRunner.embed_display. Since the embed_display function is only available inside of Pluto,
