Documentation for SlottedRandomAccess.jl
Public API
— Typestruct CRDSA{N} <: SlottedRandomAccess.FixedRepSlottedRAScheme{N}
Type representing the Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted ALOHA (CRDSA) scheme, with a number of replicas N
This RA scheme was introduced in this 2007 IEEE paper.
See also: MF_CRDSA
— TypeCollisionModel()
Type to be used as plr_func
when instantiating PLR_SimulationParameters
or PLR_Simulation
, which will mimic a collision model for the PHY abstraction.
An instance of CollisionModel
is not callable like all other plr_func
values, the collision model is just implemented directly inside the inner code performing the simulation.
— Typestruct GeneralizedLogistic
Type representing a generalized logistic function with specific parameters a
, b
and c
, used to approximate a PLR curve as a function of the (linear) EbN0
. The approximating function takes the following form:
\[f(E_bN_0) = (1 + exp(a ⋅ (E_bN_0 - b)))^{-c}\]
Any instance of this type can be called with a single number ebno
as input and returns the resulting approximated PLR value following the formula above.
The sole constructor takes 3 input numbers representing the a
, b
and c
parameters in this order.
julia> using TelecomUtils
julia> g = GeneralizedLogistic(3, 1.1, 1.2)
GeneralizedLogistic(3.0, 1.1, 1.2)
julia> g(1.3) # This is not ebno in db, but linear
See the plr_fit_notebook.jl
notebook in the package root folder for example of fitting to real simulated data.
— Typestruct MF_CRDSA{N, F} <: SlottedRandomAccess.FixedRepSlottedRAScheme{N}
Type representing the Multi-Frequency Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted ALOHA (MF-CRDSA) scheme, with a number of replicas N
This RA scheme was introduced in this 2017 IEEE paper.
The scheme can support a number of time slots that is different than the number of replicas, though the originating paper only implements a scheme where one replica (and only one) is sent in each time slot.
When specifying the number of frame slots in the PLR_SimulationParameters
, the total number of slots in the frame (nslots
) is assumed to be the product of time slots and frequency slots.
So for example when putting nslots = 100
in the PLR_SimulationParameters
and using a MF-CRDSA scheme with time_slots = 2
, the number of frequency slots is assumed to be 50
The assumed number of time slots and the function used to generate them randomly can be modified through the structure fields listed below.
: The number of time slots in each RA frame for this MF-CRDSA scheme, must be a number equal or greater than the number of replicasN
: This function is used to generate the time slots (between 1 andtime_slots
). It should be a function (or callable) that takes no argument and return anNTuple{N, Int}
with the time slots of each replica (without repetitions).
The current implementation still assumes that there is only a single replica per time slot, so while the time_slots_function
is arbitrary, potentially wrong results will be returned if this is not the case.
Default construct, which assumes N
time slots (so one per replica) and that one replica is sent in each time slot (randomizing over the frequency slots).
MF_CRDSA{N}(n_time_slots::Int, time_slots_function)
More advanced constructor for the MF-CRDSA scheme, which allows specifying a number of time slots different than the number of replicas and the function to be used to generate randomly the time slots to use for each user in each frame.
The code below will generate a MF-CRDSA scheme with 2 replicas and 3 time slots, where the first time slot is always used for the first replica, while the second replica is sent randomly either in the 2nd or 3rd slot.
julia> scheme = MF_CRDSA{2}(3, () -> (1, rand(2:3)))
See also: CRDSA
— Typestruct PLR_Simulation
Type containing the parameters and results of a PLR simulation.
: Parameters used for the simulationresults::StructArrays.StructArray{SlottedRandomAccess.PLR_Simulation_Point}
: Results of the simulationscatter_kwargs::Dict{Symbol, Any}
: The list of keyword arguments passed to the scatter call for plotting
PLR_Simulation(load::AbstractVector; kwargs...)
Create a PLR_Simulation
object by simply providing the load vector. This forwards all the kwargs
to the PLR_SimulationParameters
PLR_Simulation(load::AbstractVector, params::PLR_SimulationParameters; scatter_kwargs = Dict{Symbol, Any}())
This constructor permits to provide both the load and the params
field directly as positional arguments. The custom keyword arguments to pass to the scatter
call from PlotlyBase can be provided using the scatter_kwargs
keyword argument, which defaults to an empty Dict
See also: PLR_SimulationParameters
— Typestruct PLR_SimulationParameters{RA, F}
Type storing the parameters to be used for a PLR simulation.
: The specific RA schemepoisson::Bool
: Flag specifying whether the simulation should assume poisson or constant trafficcoderate::Float64
: The coderate of the packets sent by the usersM::Int64
: The modulation cardinality of the packets sent by the userspower_dist::Any
: Distribution used to generate the random power valuespower_strategy::ReplicaPowerStrategy
: The strategy to assign power to the replicas of a given packet. Must be a valid value ofReplicaPowerStrategy
enum type.max_simulated_frames::Int64
: The number of RA frames to simulate for each Load pointnslots::Int64
: The number of slots in each RA frameplr_func::Any
: The function used to compute the PLR for a given packet as a function of its equivalent Eb/N0noise_variance::Float64
: The variance of the noise, assumed as N0 in the simulationSIC_iterations::Int64
: The maximum number of SIC iterations to perform during the decoding stepsmax_errored_frames::Int64
: The maximum number of frames with errors to simulate. Once a simulation reaches this number of frames with errors, the simulation will stop.overhead::Float64
: Overhead assumed for the framing and or guard bands/times in the simulation. It must be a positive number representing the overhead compared to an ideal case where all resources are fully used for sending data (e.g. no pilots, no roll-off, no guard bands, no guard times). An overhead value of1.0
implies that the spectral efficiency is half of the ideal case.
— Typestruct RA4Step <: SlottedRandomAccess.FixedRepSlottedRAScheme{1}
Type representing the 4-step RA procedure, where Slotted ALOHA is used during the RA contention period (msg1) and succesfully decoded msg1 packets are used to allocate orthogonal resources for the msg3 transmission of the actual data.
This type of RA scheme will only simulate the packet decoding process for the msg1 and optionally limit the maximum number of succesfull packets per frame to be the number of slots available for msg3 transmission.
: Number of time occasions (slots) in each RA frame allocated to the msg1 random access.msg3_occasions::Int64
: Number of time occasions (slots) in each RA frame allocated to the msg3 transmission.freq_slots::Int64
: Number of frequency slots (i.e. sub-carriers) available in each time slot, it is assumed that the number of subcarriers is the same for both msg1 and msg3 transmissions.limit_packets::Bool
: Flag to specify whether to limit the number of maximum decoded packet to the number of slots associated to msg3 transmission (which is equivalent tomsg3_occasions * freq_slots
RA4Step(msg1_occasions, msg3_occasions; freq_slots = 48, limit_packets = true)
The code below will generate a 4-step RA scheme with 5 time occasions for msg1 every 2 time occasions for msg3, while assuming 20 frequency slots (i.e. subcarriers) for each time slots and while limiting the maximum number of decoded packets in each frame to the actual number of msg3 slots (which is 2 * 20
julia> scheme = RA4Step(5, 2; freq_slots = 20, limit_packets = true)
— Type@enum ReplicaPowerStrategy SamePower IndependentPower
Enum used to specify how the power for replicas of a given user in a specific RA frame is determined.
: All replicas have the same power for a given user in a specific RA frame.IndependentPower
: Each replica has an independent power in each slot.
— Typeconst SlottedALOHA = CRDSA{1}
This is just an alias to represent SlottedALOHA with the CRDSA type, you create a slotted aloha scheme with the following code:
julia> scheme = SlottedALOHA()
— MethodLogUniform_dB(min_db,max_db)
Defines a distribution whose pdf is uniform in dB between min_db
and max_db
— Methodadd_scatter_kwargs!(sim::PLR_Simulation; kwargs...)
Add arguments to the scatter_kwargs
field in the simulation object by merging all the passed keyword arguments with the existing dictionary.
— Functionplrs = extract_plr(sim::PLR_Simulation)
plr = extract_plr(p::Union{PLR_Simulation_Point,PLR_Result})
Extract the PLR value (as a number between 0 and 1) from either a PLR_Simulation
or a single PLR_Simulation_Point
or PLR_Result
In the first case, the function will return a vector with an element for each load point in the PLR_Simulation
— Methodsimulate!(sim::PLR_Simulation; kwargs...)
Perform the simulation to compute the PLR for each load point in the PLR_Simulation
object, using all available threads by default. The function sends a warning if julia is started with a single thread
Points that already contain valid simulation results are skipped and a new simulation object must be explicitly created to recompute them.
Keyword Arguments
: The logger to use for displaying the progress of the simulation. Defaults to the default julia logger and also prints to the terminal via TerminalLogger.jl when executed from an interactive julia session (i.e. the REPL).ntasks
: The number of tasks to use for the parallel computation of each PLR point. Uses all available threads if not provided.